Home: 541-607-9188 Cell: 541-607-9670
Normal Business Hours 6AM - 6PM Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $7.00/hour*
2 years: $6.33/hour* *ERDC Child Care Licensed Registered Family Rates (RFM)
3-5 years: $6.00/hour*
5+ years: $5.67/hour*
Special Needs: $7.00/hour*
Drop-In/Non-Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $7.50/hour
2 years: $6.83/hour
3-5 years: $6.50/hour
5+ years: $6.17/hour
Special Needs: $7.50/hour
Extended Business Hours 6PM - 6AM Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)
Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $7.50/hour
2 years: $6.83/hour
3-5 years: $6.50/hour
5+ years: $6.17/hour
Special Needs: $7.50/hour
Drop-In/Non-Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $8.00/hour
2 years: $7.33/hour
3-5 years: $7.00/hour
5+ years: $6.67/hour
Special Needs: $8.00/hour
Weekends and Holiday Rates (Weekends start Friday 6PM & end Monday 6AM)
Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $8.00/hour
2 years: $7.33/hour
3-5 years: $7.00/hour
5+ years: $6.67/hour
Special Needs: $8.00/hour
Drop-In/Non-Contracted Children
Newborn to 24 months: $8.50/hour
2 years: $7.83/hour
3-5 years: $7.50/hour
5+ years: $7.17/hour
Special Needs: $8.50/hour
Payments accepted: Cash or Check
Policies, deposits and late fees are covered in the Hanna's Helping Hands Handbook.
Due to state license regulations, availability depends on current occupancy spots open.